On Thu, 24 Oct 2024 at 20:24, Wayne S via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

> They had a lot of local numbers so you didn’t have to pay Toll charges.

Only in the USA, or maybe N America.

Most of the world, AFAIK, we all paid for all calls, local and
long-distance. Local was cheaper but it was by the minute which really
killed off BBS type activity.

I had to explain this to Netscape Inc on a transatlantic call in 1996.
They had no idea.

It persisted until the very late 1990s in the UK and Ireland.

Liam Proven ~ Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
Email: lpro...@cix.co.uk ~ gMail/gTalk/FB: lpro...@gmail.com
Twitter/LinkedIn: lproven ~ Skype: liamproven
IoM: (+44) 7624 227612: UK: (+44) 7939-087884
Czech [+ WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal]: (+420) 702-829-053

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