On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 01:17:57PM -0600, ben via cctalk wrote: > On 2024-10-24 11:49 a.m., Joseph S. Barrera III via cctalk wrote: > > > The author, presumably a heavy Reddit, TikTok and Facebook user, seemed to > > > have never heard about existence of computers before internet, nor about > > > > Y'all are ignoring CompuServe and that is hurting my feelings :-) > > Was all that stuff like $10 a hour + long distance charges ? > That was a good reason to ignore it back then, if you could > log on.
CompuServe (and The Source) typically utilized their own and Tymnet dialup pools spread all across the country, that got you onto the packet switched network of the day. They had day rates/night rates, since the main reason for the Tymnet packet switched networks were paying business customers by day, leaving night time open up for hobbiests. So, no long distance charges in major markets. But they did tend to get expensive hourly rates to pay for the packet network, and the main/miniframe time that they ran on. The Source was probably around that price range. I remember switching to Compuserve to get cheaper per-hour rates.