> Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2024 11:54:48 -0700
> From: Brent Hilpert

> On 2024Oct 12,, at 4:51 AM, hupfadekroua via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:

>> after approx 30 years of waiting our time has come to get hands on a Cyber 
>> 180/860a.
> ...

>> Another approach would be to substitute the old psu by modern ones, possibly
>> by DC-DC converters or switching powersupplies.

>> Does someone have experience in the substitution of psus in the multiple KW
>> range or did this in the past?

Yes, we did.

> If I recall, the late LCM did this (swapped out the original supply modules
> and put in modern switching supplies) for one of their large machines.
> (Again, IIRC) there were pictures on the website of the new supplies
> installed in the cabinets.

> I kinda think it was the CDC 6500, but was perhaps one of the DEC 
> <something>-10's.

Nope, not the 6500.

We replaced power supplies on a KL-10 in the blue 6ft cabinets (a
DECsystem-1080) which was never on the 2nd floor, the PDP-7 from the University
of Oregon Nuclear Physics lab, and the KI-10 from Kiel.

We rebuilt others.  I personally rebuilt the Might Mite in the MIT-AI KS-10
(OMG, sysadmin with a screwdriver and high-V!).  We rebuilt the big arse linear
and all the smaller DEC power units in the orange 5ft KL-10 (a DECSYSTEM-2065)
on which we ran Tops-10, because we had XKL Toad-1 and TOAD-2 systems for 

And on the 6500, we used a commercial semiconductor based converter which took
in 60VAC and output 400VAC, because that was the least expensive thing we could 

> Of course, you can't just contact contact the LCM anymore.
> Was it Rich Alderson from, or formerly, on the list who used to work at LCM?

Used to work at, headed the project which became, was first curator for, spent
17 years at.  Yeah.


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