Water cooled

> Am 13.10.2024 um 11:15 schrieb ben via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org>:
> On 2024-10-12 7:40 p.m., Jon Elson via cctalk wrote:
>>> On 10/12/24 20:07, Jon Elson via cctalk wrote:
>>> On 10/12/24 16:25, Wayne S via cctalk wrote:
>>>> Didn’t all the IBM mainframes use 400hz? Maybe ask the IBMers how they got 
>>>> 400hz.
>>>> Also, can the local power company supply it?
>> Oh, the IBM 7090 series had a 400 Hz motor generator.  The mid-range IBM 
>> 360's (360/50 and 360/65) has "converter-inverters".  There was a star 
>> rectifier that took in 208 V 3-phase and converted it to DC with an 
>> inductor-input filter at about 300 V DC.  This was then fed to an 
>> inductor-input resonant inverter with fast SCRs at 2.5 KHz.  All the power 
>> supplies for logic, memory, etc. ran off 120 V single-phase 2.5 KHz power.  
>> This kept the transformers and filter caps and inductors very small.  The 
>> inverter SCRs were commutated by two smaller SCRs that momentarily shorted 
>> the main SCRs through oil-paper caps.
>> The problem with this system is it didn't offer much ride-through capability 
>> if you had crummy power quality.
>> Jon
> What did they use for air conditioning?

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