I used several which did. MGT G+DOS was my personal favourite. MSX-DOS
is CP/M-binary-compatible but uses MS-DOS FAT disks, with directories,
because the same chap wrote them both: Tim Paterson.
On Wed, 9 Oct 2024, ben via cctalk wrote:
That is new to me, but what cpu?
Where are the ADS for said product?
MSX is unknown in USA!
It was for Z80, and the disk format was MS-DOS
I saw some at comdex.
I waited for MSX machines to showup here, but it never happened,
although I did find [and buy] a Yamaha MSX machine from Waite Group, at
John Craig's Computer Swap America.
Didn't see another one.
Generic PC clones got so cheap here that nobody would buy Z80 any more.
Grumpy Ol' Fred ci...@xenosoft.com