On Sat, 5 Oct 2024, Harald Arnesen via cctalk wrote:

> >   Linux maintains backwards ABI compatibility as far as both the OS kernel
> > and the C library is concerned.  If something breaks with an upgrade then
> > please report a bug rather than complaining on a random mailing list (not
> > that I endorse proprietary or any kind of closed-source software).
> Have you tried to run any libc5-program lately? Or a.out binaries?

 If there's an issue with libc5, then please report a bug; anything ELF is 
supposed to continue running.

 Support for a.out was removed indeed, I forgot about that.  It boils down 
to maintenance really: no one was interested in becoming a maintainer and 
I reckon calls to fix bugs were unanswered for years.  Someone *has* to do 
the work, things do not happen automagically.


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