Another way to use them is to switch a series resistor out of the power supply 
input after a few seconds; that is good for capacitor-input filters where the 
inrush current is otherwise very high.  The 5 second delay may be just that; it 
seems a bit short for the pre-heat delay.


> On Sep 30, 2024, at 7:39 PM, Bob Rosenbloom via cctalk 
> <> wrote:
> Tektronix used this type of tube in some of their later vacuum tube scopes. 
> Some audio amplifiers also used them. Can help improve tube life by keeping 
> the plate supply off until the tubes warm up.
> Bob
> On 9/30/2024 2:21 PM, Van Snyder via cctalk wrote:
>> I have two SPST time delay 12-volt relays packaged like vacuum tubes
>> with octal bases, Amperite models 12N010 (ten seconds) and 12C5 (five
>> seconds).
>> They're in their original boxes.
>> I have no idea what devices used them.
>> It seems a shame to throw them in a recycle bin.
>> Does anybody want them?
>> Van Snyder
> -- 
> Vintage computers and electronics

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