Just curious if you had a known "good" drive, a golden unit so to speak,
that was well aligned with an authentic alignment diskette-- could you
then use that drive to write plain old data diskettes that the downstream
users would then align their drives to?

Could they simply maximize the read signal coming off that data diskette?
I'd assume that the data written would include track number in the data
so a piece of software could help ensure you are actually on the correct
track while you are tweaking the gizmos to maximize the read signal.

I'd assume you could get access to the raw read signal (before or after
some read amplifier) on the drive and put your scope there to help you
maximize that signal level.

Wouldn't this result in aligning that user's drive to the sweet spot
of the track(s) on the diskette if the assumption is that the data
diskette was written with tracks in the right place?

Chris Elmquist

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