On 2024-08-15 7:46 p.m., Mike Katz wrote:
That is the reason for the stdint.h file.  Where you specify the width of the variable in bits

Looks like a useless file to me.
I never liked any the standards made to C after K&R. Seems more driven
by the latest crappy hardware intel makes, than a language designed by people who use the product. C++ or JAVA never made sense because every class is too different from any other object.Don't say how windows are a good example of object,
they are foobar-ed from the start as they deal in pixels, rather than
a fractional screen display.Text windows worked under DOS.something easy
to program. I don't want write a whole operating system to use modern
software like windows.

Grumpy Ben, trying to find a embedded C compiler for the 68000.
PS: Perhaps if they had good textbook for C and the different
standards I might view modern C with less distrust.

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