On 6/27/2024 10:41 AM, ben via cctalk wrote:
How many computers here, have been pulled out of the dumpster I wonder?
Politics and management can be real ASSES on the value of something
like computers. I grumble about the loss of knowledge in libraries
as older computer books get trashed.A lot computers must get tossed also
do to lack of software.
Get a C64 now with a free dumpster.
Lightening the mood a bit:
I assume it's different from systems of different eras, but I remember
some of the early home game consoles being in boxes at garage sales in
the late 1980s for pennies. Then, in the early 2000s, I drove around to
many widows' and "downsizing so I can move into a retirement apt" users'
homes and "rescued" home computers.
Some of the duplicate items that were obviously of value I sold, but I
kept most since I didn't see a path to selling and realizing a profit.
Time moved on, and companies relocated me to different states, packing
and dragging all of this stuff to new homes.
When we arrived in our current home, the movers moved so many computer
monitors they started taking bets on how many I had (I didn't know, I
just stacked them up as I rescued them). I think they tallied 44 in total.
Now, of course the market for home computers has greatly expanded, and
what was once given away is now worth a tidy some of money.
I do wonder, though, when the market will fall back down on certain era
machines. It appears classic cars (well kept and restored, of course)
continue to appreciate in value, but I am not sure the same will apply
to computing technology.
Jim Brain