On Sat, May 25, 2024 at 11:05 AM CAREY SCHUG via cctalk <
cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

> Because ONE *developer* of the LINC used his position to take one home and
> use it the way we currently use "personal computers" does not mean EVERY
> OTHER LINC was also a personal computer.  Did he pay the full street
> price?  I'm guessing not.  If you want to put a plaque on that single unit,
> fine, but I am sure other one-off home brew machines need to be included
> too.  I think here were are talking about production machines available for
> sale to all.

I agree with you on the Altair.  I was only submitting my comment on the
LINC in the scenario where we're throwing context out the window and
relying on revisionism to define the term.  But in actuality, there were
more than one LINC made, and the design was the basis for the DEC MINC-11.
So it has some of the requirements.

> I believe some obsolete warships (certainly ICBM silos) have been sold to
> private individuals. Does that retroactively mean the original warships and
> ICBMs are "personal yachts and weapons"?  I'll bet one rich guy bought a
> Mississippi riverboat for personal use, does that make them *ALL* into
> "personal pleasure craft"?  That is a slippery slope.

> <pre>--Carey</pre>

Hey, if the government needs a fully-provisioned aircraft carrier to defend
the nation, then so do I.


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