On 4/12/24 20:55, ben via cctalk wrote:
Did any one ever use a keyboard to magtape as input device?

I bought a surplus desktop key to tape machine made by Pertec.  It had a 7" 9-track drive in it, a small core memory and a field of light bulbs to show the read-back contents, as well as the keyboard.  I tore it apart at the right section and turned it into a mag tape drive for my Z-80 CP/M system.  The basic tape formatting was all done in software, and I took tapes in to work and read them on our VAX to verify what I was doing was readable.

I also traded a guy for a Honeywell key to tape system that apparently was used as an off-line tape to line printer unit.  But, it was actually possible to use it as a key to tape machine, too.  I wanted it for the 300 LPM printer, but had to use it in the tape to print mode to decipher the protocol of the printer.


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