I have 2 of the Non-Linear Systems (NLS) oscilloscopes that you speak of. Still 

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> On Apr 1, 2024, at 16:21, Rick Bensene via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
>>> And still works! Built to withstand an atomic bombardment.
> Except for the EMP.   It'll theoretically render such devices nice looking, 
> well-built scrap.
> The old completely vacuum-tube-based, discrete component oscilloscope from 
> back in the day  may actually survive such an event if it's outside the blast 
> radius but still reasonably sheltered; and you are also outside lethal 
> fallout zones, or can shelter and survive in radioactivity-safe places for a 
> long time.
> Stock up on quality-made (e.g., Tektronix, Hewlett Packard) tube and 
> cold-cathode-based test equipment (VTVM, oscilloscope, etc.) as well as 
> quality radios and transceivers.   Hopefully they will continue to serve as 
> interesting artifacts of a time gone by, but if something were to go sideways 
> in our world, they could potentially come in very handy.   

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