On Sun, 24 Mar 2024 at 14:50, Alexander Schreiber via cctalk
<cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> Reminds of something that happened at a previous job, where I was part
> of the small Unix team. We had bought an expensive pile of HP-UX related
> kit from HP and apparently also some HP consultant time for training
> on said kit. First day of training, HP consultant shows up in usual
> full on business attire. Starts talking about stuff (e.g. SAN management
> and and clustering related things) in a very ... "HP business" kind of
> lingo, which rubbed us rather the wrong way. So I interrupt him, pointing
> out: a) we already understand Unix TYVM and are mostly interested in the
> HP-UX specific details and b) drop the business lingo and start talking
> plain text, we're Unix admins, not MBAs. With a heavy unsaid implication
> of "You are wearing a suit while explaining tech, that makes it hard to
> take you seriously".
> So, step 1) said HP consultant _did_ drop the "HP business" lingo and
> started talking plain Unix. And step 2) beginning the next day, he always
> showed up at our site in shirt and jeans and was taken seriously now ;-)
> That was ... sometime in the early 2000.

Very nice story. :-)

In about 1989 my company sent me to London for a 3 day training course
on 3Com 3+Open, 3Com's fancy new NOS based on OS/2 1.0.

The airline lost my luggage. I turned up on day 1 in a not-too-fresh
T-shirt and jeans. Everyone else was in a suit. I explained: no

Day 2, no suitcase. T shirt was now "fragrant". Some other students on
the course had adopted casual wear.

Day 3: my luggage arrives! I turn up in a fresh clean suit. Everyone
else, tutor included, is in jeans and tees. :-D

My company did _not_ adopt 3+Open or OS/2. On the basis of my
experience we moved to Novell instead. At the time, a good choice, I
still think today.

Liam Proven ~ Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
Email: lpro...@cix.co.uk ~ gMail/gTalk/FB: lpro...@gmail.com
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