On 25/03/2024 20.07, Bill Degnan via cctalk wrote:
Do you have a vic20 to try it there first? Maybe it's looking for a
printer to relocated to a different assigned number than the default. I
have seen this before in the B series world to get around conflicts with
the base ROMs in the main board.
I do have vic-20 machines, but no iec printers, so i dumped the rom for
to use with emulators.
The code uses poke154,4 to change the output from device 3 screen to
device 4. does its printing and changes back to screen printing with
poke 154,3 again, a few times in the code
the memory address it pokes
*009A 154 Output (CMD) device, normally 3
the actual printing starts at line 60, First I tried to just change code
so it didnt redirect to the print but showed it on the screen, by
changing those 154,4 , doesnt work for the esc commands ofcause.
Jacob Dahl Pind | telefisk.org | fidonet 2:230/38.8