I got a vic-20 in a painted case, with a biacom label, and a modified
VIC-1110 8kb memory, where there have been added a 8kb eprom have been
to the left side where the additional 8kb could be
The autostart rom code, that disables runstop, moves and starts basic ,
does seem to initialize everthing like a normal start does.
Adding the rom to vice without reset and do a poke 44,161, to move the
basic start to 41216, one can look at the code.
The software seems to be made to print signs, but I havent had much luck
getting vice to print, I only get a blank page.
Looking at the code
line 60
# Line Spacing of n/216 inch chr$(27) "3" chr$(n)
line 61
# chr$(14) One-line Expanded Print
# chr$(20) cancel expanded print
line 68
# single density 60dpi line lenght 135 + (256*1)
does look like it match up to the commodore/epson codes, printing the
basic list with open1,4,7:print#1:cmd1:list works in text and
graphics for the mps80x, but not from the basic code there.
Wonder if I am running into a bug with the print emulation or it was
made to use a different printer ?
Jacob Dahl Pind | telefisk.org | fidonet 2:230/38.8