Hi Micki.

I'm passing along this message from Ali. Can you please help him?

I checked the website and verified that there is no obvious way to contact
anyone in the organization for regular communication. Forgive me if I
overlooked something.

Thank you.


On Fri, Feb 16, 2024, 1:25 PM Ali via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

> > > One last question:
> > >
> > > Do kids get in free? If so what is the age cutoff? It looks like
> > > tickets are needed for everyone but figure I would check just in
> > case.
> > >
> >
> > Never mind... Important to read all the WAY to the END. LOL. Kids 12
> > and under are free!
> Anybody successfully buy tickets? I tried and I get an error that check
> out isn't working and to contact them. Of course like all good sites they
> provide absolutely no way to contact them. If anyone has contact info that
> would be great or if anyone knows that tickets can be purchased at the
> door? Otherwise hard pass here. No way I am driving to the OC, in possible
> SoCal rain traffic, without something a bit more solid....
> -Ali

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