On Thu, Feb 15, 2024, 8:56 AM Ali via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> > I have looked at the website for the event and I am still not sure if > there will be consignment/sales area. Can anyone verify if there is going > to be one or not? Thanks! > > -Ali > This VCF SoCal announcement just came into my mailbox this morning so I'm passing it along. It's the final countdown! We are putting on the final touches and getting ready to kick off the inaugural show. EXHIBITORS & VENDORS The exhibit hall is full with 48 different Exhibitors & Vendors! Check the Exhibitors & Vendors <https://www.vcfsocal.com/so/3cOshBRJN/c?w=TW260ulUVXhkPDG53VxjdRhiMJtFMMXIfF0yRCDFgXE.eyJ1IjoiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudmNmc29jYWwuY29tL2V4aGliaXRvcnMiLCJyIjoiMWY4YTU5NjktZmQ5Yi00MDMxLWEzNDEtZDFkM2E1OTIyNjM5IiwibSI6Im1haWwiLCJjIjoiOTU4ZDQ5ZGYtMDU1ZC00ZDJlLTk3OWEtZmRkYmQ1NzUxYmY0In0> page to see the full list and Exhibit Hall Map. SPEAKERS We are delighted to announce that Joe Decuir, legendary Atari engineer, has joined as a presenter, speaking with Thomas Cherryhomes on Atari OS and the foundation of FujiNet. All presentations are listed on the website <https://www.vcfsocal.com/so/3cOshBRJN/c?w=geibAMVjlRN1UaIXURG3wUZXXOzJVkjNzurBDWYk9RI.eyJ1IjoiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudmNmc29jYWwuY29tL3NwZWFrZXJzIiwiciI6IjFmOGE1OTY5LWZkOWItNDAzMS1hMzQxLWQxZDNhNTkyMjYzOSIsIm0iOiJtYWlsIiwiYyI6Ijk1OGQ0OWRmLTA1NWQtNGQyZS05NzlhLWZkZGJkNTc1MWJmNCJ9>. Check the list and mark your schedule! CONSIGNMENT Consignment details are up for shopping & selling! Sellers can pre-list their items for sale using the Consignment Form <https://www.vcfsocal.com/so/3cOshBRJN/c?w=95jxR2bFBOOwHe2kXOicaLR6VnKV4n8M_ugCu5rK--0.eyJ1IjoiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudmNmc29jYWwuY29tL2NvbnNpZ25tZW50IiwiciI6IjFmOGE1OTY5LWZkOWItNDAzMS1hMzQxLWQxZDNhNTkyMjYzOSIsIm0iOiJtYWlsIiwiYyI6Ijk1OGQ0OWRmLTA1NWQtNGQyZS05NzlhLWZkZGJkNTc1MWJmNCJ9> . Consignment shopping hours are: - Saturday 10am-6pm - Sunday 10am-5pm MEET-UPS We've added Meet-Ups <https://www.vcfsocal.com/so/3cOshBRJN/c?w=u3LRoCDlgkRqeaSn0OttDoUsTl6_YEM517whRS3K6jY.eyJ1IjoiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudmNmc29jYWwuY29tL21lZXQtdXBzIiwiciI6IjFmOGE1OTY5LWZkOWItNDAzMS1hMzQxLWQxZDNhNTkyMjYzOSIsIm0iOiJtYWlsIiwiYyI6Ijk1OGQ0OWRmLTA1NWQtNGQyZS05NzlhLWZkZGJkNTc1MWJmNCJ9> to the agenda! Meet with fellow enthusiasts in the Grand Foyer (opposite the Registration Table) at one of our Meet-Ups - a mini-festival inside Vintage Computer Festival SoCal. These are informal gatherings where you can meet folks with a common interest or background, share stories and exchange info. VCF SOCAL SWAG The official, inaugural VCF SoCal T-shirts arrived and they are RAD! Shirts will be on sale during the show, along with VCF SoCal logo Ball Caps, Stickers and fun 2-in-1 Screwdrivers that fit nicely into your trusty pocket protector. FREE TABLE Been holding onto some old retro tech because "someone can use this!"? That's what the Free Table in the Grand Foyer is for. Bring some goodies along to leave on the Free Table. Check the table for that elusive component you've been searching for. PRO TIP: Check the Free Table throughout the show as it's always changing! TICKETS Thank You to those who have bought tickets already. If you haven't gotten tickets, now's the time! We have a variety of ticket options <https://www.vcfsocal.com/so/3cOshBRJN/c?w=E8cxj5ZepEWi1fCfBeRoCgJl8fvhsJIRC0OR-0rocyk.eyJ1IjoiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudmNmc29jYWwuY29tL3RpY2tldHMiLCJyIjoiMWY4YTU5NjktZmQ5Yi00MDMxLWEzNDEtZDFkM2E1OTIyNjM5IiwibSI6Im1haWwiLCJjIjoiOTU4ZDQ5ZGYtMDU1ZC00ZDJlLTk3OWEtZmRkYmQ1NzUxYmY0In0> for sale. The Vintage Fan Weekend Bundle is a fan favorite and Will Not be available once the show starts. It includes a Weekend Pass, the 2024 VCF SoCal T-shirt, an Exclusive Vintage Fan Badge and a cool VCF SoCal sticker. See you this weekend! Micki & Steve Diederich VCF SoCal vcfsocal.com #vcfsocal >