The 4040 was more of an enhanced 4004. It had a deeper stack ( 4004 was only 3 
levels ), It had interrupt capabilities and a second register bank.
The mulplexed bus was almost identical except the 4040 had one additional bus 
operation. I forget the exact difference.
Still, people seem to think that the 4004 wasn't a capable microprocessor. 
Benchmarks showed that much code was faster on the 4004 than the 8008, if 
working in BCD math.
The main reason the 4004 was thought of as just a calculator chip was that the 
chipset that it originally came with, the ROM and RAM, was to use a minimal 
additional amount of custom bus circuity for the Busicom project. I guess it 
wouldn't be a real uP if one didn't have to create bus buffers and address 
As an example, Tom Pittman wrote a two pass assembler that ran on the SIM4-01( 
4ea1702.s or 1k of code! ). That seems to be a uP type of process, to me. I 
should note that Tom's code won't run on a 4040 without modification. This was 
because he took advantage of the fact that the stack would overflow on the 
fourth subroutine push. The 4040 had a deeper stack. Still, the 4004 could 
handle text as well as do calculations.
Probably, the main thing that tended to put it in the calculator bucket was the 
restricted instruction memory range, without using some form of bank swapping. 
Its natural memory range was limited to 4096 addresses. But then, the 8080 was 
considered a real uP with similar restrictions to 64K.
Both the 4004 and the 8008 used a multiplexed bus, for the 8008, one had to 
design their own bus interface. The 8080 was what made the type of uP we tend 
to think of. It had separate data and address busses ( note the 8085 and 8086 
both multiplexed the address and data buses. A step back I'd say. )
I'd say things really started to happen when they created the 6502. That 
brought the pricing into a range that people could start small and expand to 
bigger things.

From: ED SHARPE <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2023 7:43 PM
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <>
Cc: dwight <>
Subject: Re: [cctalk] Re: Intel 4004(sp?)

Ibad an intellectual 4 offered to me one time that had a 4040 in it. Is t a 
4040 like a 5 but more of the aux chips integrated? Is instruction set the same?

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On Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 8:34 PM, dwight via cctalk
<> wrote:
The Intlec 4 was no more or less a computer than the Altiar or IMSAI was. It 
didn't typically have as much RAM but one could write and run code on it.
As for the F14 processor. For the purpose used, it was likely a DSP. More 
intended to do matrix multiplication using adds and shifts. This would be 
similar to Intel's early try at a DSP.
The F14 processor was said to control the flight surfaces. Like the Intel 2920 
( not to be confused with the AMD bit slice part) it likely ran tight loops of 
signal processing operations using tables of lookup coefficients.

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