> This dislike of “Discord” has touched a nerve for me.  It’s also one
 > of the reasons the cctalk list has lost most of it value.  Discord is
 > a collection of channels most devoted to specific subjects that you
 > more or less subscribe to. It’s just a server and you need an invite
 > to join a group. I’m in the Classic computer group and find it to be
 > filled with knowledge people willing to share that knowledge with
 > others.  Saying you don’t like “Discord” is like saying you don’t
 > like TV. If you don’t like the content, simply don’t watch it.  Don’t
 > blame the medium.

No, you've completely missed the point.  Many of us strongly dislike
_Discord_.  Strongly enough to refuse to participate in any activity
going on in a Discord channel.  Discord-the-organization has a long
history of being privacy intrusive, banning alternative clients, and
other sorts of malfeasance.


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