I have to second the motion. In my opinion in general social media is a
waste of time and energy.
I understand the time it takes to run VCF but to have multiple possible
different places (webiste, ICM, discord, etc) to get information is a
bit much, especially for us old farts.
Discord contributes as much noise as it does relevant information.
My suggestion would be to use the website as the primary source of
information and write Java/Jacascript/PDP/Json code to take any website
updates and forward them to any other desired channel.
That way all channels get the same information virtually simultaneously
without any human effort than the the info on the main website.
On 8/30/2023 11:35 AM, Tom Uban via cctalk wrote:
On 8/30/23 11:25 AM, Seth Morabito via cctalk wrote:
On Wed, Aug 30, 2023, at 7:26 AM, William Donzelli via cctalk wrote:
All the VCFMW info is on the Discord server.
I swear to God, Discord will be the end of the open Internet, it's
where information goes to die. I hate it with every fiber of my
being. And yes, I use it, I'm on many servers. I'm still allowed to
detest it.
I have heard of Discord, but have not had a need to use it. Odd that
https://vcfmw.org/ does not have an obvious link for Discord if it is
where we are expected to find useful information. Would I need to have
a Discord account (and be a member of some group) to see this