> I'm a little surprised noone mentioned Google sheets or something
> that's cloud native? Probably only accessible from newer systems though
> but I've debated it since it would be instantly accessible from phone
> also.

Sheets is a spreadsheet program, right? Spreadsheets, while nice for keeping 
inventory, aren't great for searching and organizing. For parts and inventory 
you really need a DB so you can get a list of all of your EISA cards, or all of 
your 8-bit ISA NICs, etc. One of the best programs (and by far the easiest) 
that I ever used was File Maker Pro. It had a WYSIWIG design paradigm so you 
would lay out your form/input sheet/whatever using whatever object you needed - 
say a drop down box. You would then use the same design to input data and to 

The benefit of setting up a SQL DB is that it can run on a modern server but 
can have a very simple text interface for searches and editing delivered 
through a client or plain text web site (running on the same server). As long 
as you are not getting fancy with your "output" page even Lynx can be used to 
search and edit the DB.

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