Thanks ED.

Some quite amazing pictures.

On Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 3:16 AM ED SHARPE via cctalk <>

> Maybe checkout internet archive various date versions of thier site???Ed#
> Sent from AOL on Android
>   On Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 12:12 AM, Christian Corti via cctalk<
>> wrote:   So, I was trying to contact "Pete" at
> several
> times during the last years. Obiously, the site and/or the person is dead,
> no reaction whatever.
> I'm hoping that someone on this list might be able to help me:
> I still have a Digico Micro 16V computer that, one day, I'd like to
> restore. On the ICL site above I can see that they have (had?) the service
> manual/schematics for the system, and I would really love to get a scan
> (or at least high resolution photos) of these. Does anyone here maybe have
> them or can provide me with some pointers? Oh BTW, software (e.g.
> papertape images) would be great, too :-)
> Christian

End of line
JOB TERMINATED -->> Okey Dokey, OK Boss

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