I worked with Digico systems in about 1974
I did some reseach a while back and did find some info.
I'll see what I have
Rod Smallwood
On 24/07/2023 08:11, Christian Corti via cctalk wrote:
So, I was trying to contact "Pete" at vintage-icl-computers.com
several times during the last years. Obiously, the site and/or the
person is dead, no reaction whatever.
I'm hoping that someone on this list might be able to help me:
I still have a Digico Micro 16V computer that, one day, I'd like to
restore. On the ICL site above I can see that they have (had?) the
service manual/schematics for the system, and I would really love to
get a scan (or at least high resolution photos) of these. Does anyone
here maybe have them or can provide me with some pointers? Oh BTW,
software (e.g. papertape images) would be great, too :-)