On Wed, Jun 7, 2023, 1:59 PM Yeechang Lee via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org>

> db says:
> > As we were painfully made aware when people tried to run comm
> > programs and they didn't work because we used the Z8530 to get dual
> > serial ports.
> Hyperion was not alone in having trouble with comm ports. Columbia
> University (my alma mater) reported in January 1984 that unmodified Kermit
> ran on Compaq and Columbia PCs, but Eagle and Seequa needed custom code.
> I highly recommend the Kermit mailing list archives <
> http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/ftp/e/info-kermit.txt>; it contains
> massive amounts of information for anyone interested in classic computers.

The DEC Rainbow also hit these issues and needed its own custom version of


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