On Tue, 6 Jun 2023, Sellam Abraham via cctalk wrote:
The primary distinguishing features of the very first run of 5150's are:
1) No "B" inside a circle stamped on the back panel
2) Only two case screws on lower right and left of back panel (none on top)
3) Black power supply

Here's a photo that shows this ==>

Bill Degnan (from whom I learned all this) knows more about this.

I will have to check for the 'B', but there are a few cubic meters of stuff to move to get to it.

2 case screws

power supply was not only black, but had a white switch, instead of the red paddle.

in addition to the round plugged hole, it might also have originally had a "D hole" for a DB25. When I mentioned such to my department chairman (an unusually competent fellow), he used department money to buy a Greenlee chassis punch, so we added those DB25 mounts to a few others as needed, instead of tying up a slot just for a bracket.

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