>> yes.  a Kombi full of tapes hurtling down the highway.
> ...down the Autobahn.

Ben F. wrote regarding transport of data in a moving vehicle:

>  the Autobahn...
> https://www.computerhistory.org/revolution/artifact/331/1893

Doubtful that VW Bug was on the Autobahn at the time, and, while the 
advertisement was very novel with a full-on minicomputer in the back seat of a 
VW Bug, the amount of data potentially being transported was likely only 4K 
12-bit words, or 48K bits.

Since the machine had magnetic core memory, the system would retain the content 
of its memory without power, so in this scenario, the VM Bug was actually 
capable moving data from one point to another, albeit, not all that much data.

Now, if the Bug had a trailer hitch, it could tow a trailer behind it with a 
gasoline or diesel powered generator with sufficient capacity to run the PDP-8. 
  If that were the case, the machine could actually process the data in its 
memory while it was moving down the road...something a station wagon full of 
reels of magnetic tape wouldn't be able to do.

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