On 2023-06-04 3:39 a.m., Harald Arnesen via cctalk wrote:
Fred Cisin via cctalk [04/06/2023 02.50]:
On Sun, 4 Jun 2023, Alexander Schreiber wrote:
So the Mercedes T model was (at least in Germany, the manufacturers
never called a "station wagon" because that category name doesn't exist
there. The closest analogue to it in German parlance would be the
class of vehicles. Based upon the more numerous sedan models, but shaped
like a station wagon with a large rear door, a level trunk (usually)
and with the option of considerably expanding cargo space by folding
down the rear seats to provide a flat surface.
yes. a Kombi full of tapes hurtling down the highway.
...down the Autobahn.
Down the Autobahn...