On Mon, 22 May 2023 at 10:40, Tony Duell <ard.p850...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am sorry, but I think this is a stupid suggestion for many reasons.

I forgot whom I was dealing with.
> I am not sure I
> would want to trust something from an unknown seller on the web.

That is unreasonable, IMHO, but it is on-brand.

> And
> of course it has to have the right type of disk controller, I
> certainly need to be able to handle single-density (FM) reading and
> writing correctly. Some machines can, some can't. I am hardly going to
> be able to test it before I buy it

This is a normal ability for a machine of the 486 era, I think.

> Next there's the problem of me getting it home. I don't drive.

Neither did I when I lived in the UK.

I picked up PCs from various points in South London by simply
bungeeing them onto the luggage rack of my bicycle.

Monitors, I carried on public transport a few times. Easy now that
flatscreens are the rule. The last one I bought, in September, I
carried across Prague for over 1h on bus, metro and tram, in a
backpack, while also pushing my then 3YO daughter in a pram... and
that is a big 27" screen, too.

> I'll go
> on public transport for things that interest me and which I actually
> want. An PC is not in that category.

I am sorry but that is simply rude, and in context, it is adding an
insult to the prior insult. If you want the ability, get off your
backside. If you don't, then suffer in silence. Don't call people
stupid and then add "that is stupid because I can't be bothered."

> Not to mention the fact that I
> doubt I could carry the system box, monitor and keyboard in one go.

Why would you have to? Who said you did? Nobody. You made this up,
then called me stupid for words you put in my mouth.

> Having it sent to me is inconvenient

Nonsense. The bulk of commerce these days is mail order because it is
*more* convenient.

> Then there's the problem of keeping it going.

Who said you had to? Nobody.

But you said it was not of interest. If it fails, replace it. Problem solved.

Liam Proven ~ Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
Email: lpro...@cix.co.uk ~ gMail/gTalk/FB: lpro...@gmail.com
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