On 5/18/23 16:47, Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote:
> On Thu, 18 May 2023, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
>> The idea's the same.   What I'm a bit surprised about is that there has
>> been no emulation of a generic floppy controller offered.  It can't be
>> that complex; if I recall correctly the NEC 765 only used 1100 words of
>> microcode.
> That is exactly what I want.  Fully transparent.
> Full implementation of INT13h,  1Eh
> plus the added functions of read/write a flux transition track,
> and simple command line software for image/write image of entire disk.
> And, it would be nice to have it packaged as internal, with 34 pin drive
> connector and provision for a DC37,

Well, maybe someone will do that for you, but not me.  It's probably
doable, but I'm snowed under with work right now.

I'm looking forward to tinkering with some designs using RISC-V MCUs
(that's pronouced "risk-five" if you were wondering).  Completely open
architecture and, from the benchmarks I've seen, pretty darned fast.


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