Fidonet is def. a thing. There is a New Zealand group- FSXnet - that I found 
when researching how to actually _join_ a Fidonet network. Docs for this from 
the pov of someone that has never done it are few. I.E. it seem very hard to 
find direction to join into Fidonet unless you are already there.

This was done because I am setting up a BBS on a Macintosh SE running System 6. 
There is a modern BBS being written today (in C) called SubText BBS that can 
connect up to Fidonet (I connected to FSX net after signing up and getting a 
node assignment.). It's cool to get the network messages from all over the 
globe on your local BBS.

My BBS is up: telnet to->  login as guest. It's running on a SE 
w/ 4MB ram.

Setting this up and getting things going was a fun diversion and using a Mac SE 
for it was a blast as well.

On Fidonet? Send me some mail: massive@21:3/178


> On May 4, 2023, at 8:59 AM, geneb via cctalk <> wrote:
> On Wed, 3 May 2023, Mike Katz via cctalk wrote:
>> Don't forget fidonet (a network of bulletin board systems).
> FidoNet is still a thing too.  I'm the NC of Net 138. (which sadly, is now 
> just myself and a couple of other nodes.)
> g.
> -- 
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