On 5/5/2023 3:33 PM, ben via cctalk wrote:
On 2023-05-05 2:06 p.m., Bill Gunshannon via cctalk wrote:

On 5/5/2023 1:44 PM, ben via cctalk wrote:
On 2023-05-04 2:31 p.m., Mike Katz via cctalk wrote:
True but I don't miss 53K bps analog POTS modem speeds.

My Internet varies between 700Mbps and 950Mbps.  I don't miss analog modem days in the least.  There is no nostalgia there.

How ever the people  still use them. Fast internet is only good about 1? km from the router. Other than Netflix or Multiplayer games, what is really high speed internet needed for?

Downloading the latest FreeBSD ISO in less than a week?   :-)


BEN @ 110 BAUD.

Wow, magnetic tape, how modern.  What about paper tape or punch cards (Holerith if you are old enough to remember that name).

Also if we are talking about download speeds and protocols what about Carrier Pigeon Internet Protocol (CPIP or IPoCP).  This encompasses RFC-1149 & amended by  RFC-2549.  A carrier pigeon carrying a 1TB USB memory stick and flying at 40MPH (2/3's of it's maximum speed) for 40 miles would yield a data rate of 305,419,896 bps.  Not bad for analog🤣

And for some more nostalgia:

4.5MB of punch cards (approx. 334 lbs):

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