On 1/16/23 19:42, Sellam Abraham via cctalk wrote:
> It didn't fall for your trick question.
> Sellam
Right, but that isn't what I asked.   Take a segment of x86 assembly,
sans any comments that performs a simple math problem using no I//O,
such as computing a Fibonacci sequence, storing it in memory.
Should be straightforward, no matter the processor architecture, even on
an IBM 650 using SOAP.   What I'm getting at is does the thing
"understand" the 7080 architecture and ISA, or is it just making an excuse?

Or try any of the assembly versions in 99-bottles-of-beer.net, say
http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/language-ibm-1620-sps-916.html , and tell
it to translate to 7080 autocoder.   I'm, guessing that the paucity of
7080 autocoder samples will cause the AI to fail, even though the task
is certainly feasible..  But I'm willing to be surprised. 


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