Me: Translate the disassembly of the boot sector code for PC DOS 1.0 into
7080 autocoder.

ChatGPT: "It is not possible to simply translate the disassembly of the
boot sector code for PC DOS 1.0 into 7080 autocoder as the two are
different assembly languages for different processors. The boot sector code
for PC DOS 1.0 was written specifically for the x86 processor, while the
7080 autocoder is for the 7080 processor. Additionally, the boot sector
code for PC DOS 1.0 is likely specific to the IBM PC, and would not run on
a machine using a 7080 processor.

"To run PC DOS 1.0 on a machine with a 7080 processor, you would need to
rewrite the entire operating system from scratch in assembly language for
the 7080 processor."

It didn't fall for your trick question.


On Mon, Jan 16, 2023 at 7:09 PM Chuck Guzis via cctalk <> wrote:

> On 1/16/23 18:46, Sellam Abraham via cctalk wrote:
> > Chris,
> >
> > Apparently, ChatGPT 3 was trained on a large codebase, and in the reviews
> > I've watched, as well as in my own experience, it is amazingly astute at
> > generating (usually) working code in just about any language you can
> think
> > of, including assembly languages of various flavors.
> >
> ChatGPT can translate x86 assembly to 7080 autocoder?   That would be
> something...
> --Chuck

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