The belts that I use for TU58's work but are a bit on the tight side.
I'd say buy a set of those, and also a set that is is 1.5 times the size
and twice as wide. It's not that big of a deal, technically it may cause
a bit more stress to the sleeve bearings and cause them to wear out in
20 years as opposed to 50. Oh well :-)
On 1/11/2023 1:22 AM, Sellam Abraham via cctalk wrote:
I had the same issue with one of those drives. I think I may have it but I
need to source a belt to fix it. The black goop that used to be the belt
got all over the mechanism. It was a pain to clean off completely.
On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 10:11 PM Chris Zach via cctalk <> wrote:
Speaking of reading old floppies, I got my Model 100 and Tandy Portable
Disk Drive down from the shelf to read some old floppies I found from
the 1980's. 3.5 inch disks with a whopping 100k capacity each!
Problem was drive was saying the disks were "not formatted". Took it
apart, found that the belt had literally turned to black goo and wrapped
itself around the capstain. Cleaned it off (took forever), then put on a
new modern belt that I use for TU58 Dectape II tapes. Fit, bit tight but
Drive works great! And some of the stuff I wrote in the 1980's.... Old
posts to compuserve's pdp11 forum, ancient bitnet messages, stuff about
getting the pdp8/L and passing up other stuff... Could have bought a
Vax730 with R80/RL02 for 3k but didn't have the money.
All in all a fun trip down memory lane. And I kept thinking "Was I
really that naive?
On 1/10/2023 6:18 PM, Sellam Abraham via cctalk wrote:
Yes, the 2/2P models I [think I] had were blue.
On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 2:21 PM Fred Cisin via cctalk <>
A few years later, I got a used ["Euro"]-Apple II, converted for USA
use, in an OSI Challenger case (with wood (walnu?) sides), with an
external RCA keyboard.
If you didn't get it, then maybe Eric Smith?
On Tue, 10 Jan 2023, Sellam Abraham via cctalk wrote:
Was it this style (Challenger 4P)?
I can't remember if I ever had a 4P but I did have I think two 2 or 2P
Either way, I'm not sure if I got any from you, but in the end, if I
you know what happened.
I do still have a Challenger motherboard around here somewhere, as well
I think an OSI of some model in a custom-built big-box style enclosure.
Yes, it was that style, but BLUE
No floppy unit.
The external RCA keyboard was black, and a splash resistant case.