I haven't seen any mention of greaseweazel types of "flux" readers. They read the flux changes off of the floppy and then interpret them with a separate program.

I use this to analyze DEC RX01 & RX02 8" floppies.

I know it works with FM, MFM and GCR disks as well as single and double sided diskettes.

On 1/10/2023 4:20 PM, Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote:
A few years later, I got a used ["Euro"]-Apple II, converted for USA use, in an OSI Challenger case (with wood (walnu?) sides), with an external RCA keyboard.
If you didn't get it, then maybe Eric Smith?

On Tue, 10 Jan 2023, Sellam Abraham via cctalk wrote:
Was it this style (Challenger 4P)?
I can't remember if I ever had a 4P but I did have I think two 2 or 2P
Either way, I'm not sure if I got any from you, but in the end, if I did,
you know what happened.
I do still have a Challenger motherboard around here somewhere, as well as
I think an OSI of some model in a custom-built big-box style enclosure.

Yes, it was that style, but BLUE
No floppy unit.
The external RCA keyboard was black, and a splash resistant case.

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