On 2022-12-12 1:02 p.m., Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote:
On Mon, 12 Dec 2022, John Foust via cctalk wrote:
If you spent $1,000 on a Commodore 64 system in 1985,
that's about $2,800 in today's dollars, courtesy of inflation.
A working C-64 system might go for $700 on eBay today?  But people
were giving them away not long ago.  It's the bathtub curve.

40 years ago, a row of 16k ram chips (8 or 9 chips) sold for $100 to $300 (Radio Shack and IBM)

40 years ago, a 5 megabyte hard drive sold for $1000 to $3000

Radio Shack charged $500 for an SA-400 floppy drive with case and power supply.

you might pay similar prices, but capacity has double about every 18 months (one variation of Moore's Law)

How quick, does on forget this list, 1970's memory prices, $8K for 4K.
I still think the PDP 11, has the highest mark up on ebay.

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