It is disappointing that you have encountered people like that.

My most recent purchase was a couple of potentiometers for a Kenwood TS440
radio - made from true Unobtanium.

from memory, I paid $100 USD for the auction and $70 USD for the shipping.
They shipped through the Ebay global shipping system which is a rip off,
but the people who filled in the forms were the global shipping people.
The sellers experience was that they simply sent the package to an address
in the states.

My experience was that I got the item I was happy to pay for.  I didn't
complain about the shipping, because some people understand that sending
stuff costs money..

The alternative that I use is a US on-shipping firm, but I try
not to use them anymore, as they had a meltdown because they thought I was
trying to get them to onship an ITAR controlled item (A satellite
antenna).  They couldn't read the government's own doco, where part number
xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-01 was ITAR, while xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-02 was not ITAR
controlled.  In that case, I got them to ship it back to the seller, who
onshipped it (again at my expense) to a friend, who shipped it for me.

My comment was simply based on my experience, as a purchaser who is quite
happy to pay through the nose, because I understand that a plane flight to
the States costs much more than anybodies shipping.

Kindest regards,

Doug Jackson

ph: 0414 986878

Check out my awesome clocks at
Follow my amateur radio adventures at

On Sat, 22 Oct 2022 at 06:51, Doc Shipley via cctalk <>

> On 10/20/22 20:15, Doug Jackson via cctalk wrote:
> > Sigh...
> >
> > Yet another American seler who doesn't understand how simple overseas
> > shipping is.
> Oh, we understand, we really do.  We also get really tired of strangers
> asking us to lie, on paper, to foreign government agencies.
> We understand why that's "necessary".  We understand that customs duties
> in most other countries are insane.  We understand that the chances of
> getting caught twiddling our declaration is minimal, and the odds of
> prosecution are even less.
> NONE of that makes taking that risk tenable for a person who hasn't
> earned my trust.
> My main, issue, though, is the response from prospective recipients when
> I say I won't falsify customs forms. It's usually something like "Don't
> be such a wimp."
> That's the behavior that makes me REALLY want not to ship overseas.
>         Doc

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