> I'm conflating my Sixel work with my ReGIS work.  I know that there
 > are a number of utilities to work with Sixel, but it seems like there
 > are fewer that work with ReGIS.

Indeed.  I've fiddled with Sixel in xterm, for example.  It turns out
ReGIS is hard to google, partly of course because it predates the
internet by too much, but more because of the Philbin.

 > You might do some sleuthing to see if any vector programs will do
 > what you want.

I've looked at some of the common tools, but so far no joy.

 > Aside: I think that GNU Plot can be made to output ReGIS.  So maybe
 > you can abuse it / press it into service.

Yes, I think you're right.  I may end up doing some examples with it.

 > I'm also curious what you're wanting to do.  I run into few people
 > that work with ReGIS and am always curious what others are doing with
 > ReGIS (and Sixel).

I'm basically working on a GIGI demo, and would like to be able to take
existing vector files and convert them to ReGIS.


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