On 11/22/21 2:59 PM, Guy Sotomayor via cctalk wrote:
> In my case it's stuff that *I* didn't save and just tossed it because
> "Why would I ever want this anymore?".  I *really* regret tossing all of
> the source for stuff I wrote while I was at IBM. It was after all IBM's
> property (since I wrote it all as an IBM employee) and I doubt any of it
> survives in any form anywhere, but I still wish I had some of it.  :-(

Think of all of the software and documentation that may still
reside/resided in government hands.   I suspect that much of it was
intentionally and thoroughly destroyed.

I can think of one project that had 1500 GSA programmers working.  I
doubt that a single line of that survives.


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