and yet, after it's over and there's *nothing* left from 30+ years of
collecting, there are occasional reflections on what you left behind...
just saying...
On 11/22/2021 11:50 AM, John Ames via cctalk wrote:
On 2021-11-21 9:45 a.m., Adam Thornton via cctalk wrote:
On 11/19/21 9:33 PM, Steve Malikoff via cctalk wrote:
And what happens when you wake up one morning to find is
gone, too?
Fundamentally, eventually we're all going to be indistinguishable
mass-components inside the supermassive black hole that used to be the
Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies anyway.
Smoke 'em while you got 'em.
Yeah, I had a long, hard think about this while the Caldor Fire was
looking like it was about to come knocking on my doorstep this fall
and I was trying to prep myself for a short-notice evacuation and
decide what I could and couldn't take (read: leave stowed in the trunk
of the car for the next couple weeks.) Ultimately, while I'd *like*
what I have and enjoy to pass on to someone else once I get busy
decomposing, in the long run it's all dust, so I'm not gonna worry
myself too much over it.