Further review: Looking at photo IMG_6081.jpg it shows the layouts of the boards. Specifically A1 is the pre-regulator board pn 5061-3457 which is the one with the caps and A2 is Inverter board PN 5061-3454.

I think if your PS doesn't work one problem is these boards are backwards. Don't know if that will blow up your supply but interesting to note...

Hm.... From what I can see it looks like the 120 goes into a transformer on the bulkhead and is stepped down to 24 volts DC which then feeds "stuff". I'll start there and see if I get 24dc at the first stage, which should then be filtered by the caps and sent on to the various regulators.


On 9/10/2021 11:41 PM, Chris Zach via cctalk wrote:
Hi Guy!

Thanks for the post and interesting. No it's not quite the exact power supply but close. However....

Are you *sure* those cards are in the right slots?

Reason I am asking: When I look at the HP docs they label the Pre-regulator board as A3A1. A3A1 also has the red LED. The inverter board (the one with the transistors and transformers) is A3A2. Likewise the battery charge boards are A3A3, A3A4, and the control board at the end is A3A5.

The slots are labeled 1-5 with 1 being closest to the power cord and 5 being on the output end. A3A5 will only fit in slot 5, and A3A4 has the 12 volt trim pot that is accessible outside the supply by a cut-out so it has to be in slot 4. Slot 3 is not used on my unit because I don't have the battery backup circuits.

However in your picture slot 2 has the LED preregulator board and slot 1 has the one with the transistors and transformers (inverter). So either your picture has the parts backwards or someone at HP should go to hell for exceptionally bad numbering.

Does your supply work?


On 9/10/2021 12:43 PM, Guy Dunphy wrote:
Here are some disassembly pics of a HP 5061-6615 power supply.

   http://everist.org/pics/hp1000_ps/5061-6615.zip     2.9M

HP 1000 Model 2113E  SN 2340A03701  OPT 004  014
power supply  Model 5061-6615    SN 2340

Not the exact same PS as yours, but it might help?

My problem is I haven't been able to find a manual and schematics for that
apparently late model supply. Though last time I looked was years ago.
The lack of a manual/schematics froze that restoration project.
Can anyone suggest where I might find a copy?
PDF, or I'd pay for an original paper copy. (To use, and also ensure it's
scanned in high quality.)


At 09:30 PM 9/09/2021 -0400, you wrote:
Quick question: I've been cleaning out and repairing an HP5061 supply
for a 1000 computer. However I didn't take a picture of the 4 boards
when I pulled them and I want to make sure they go in the right places.

 From the manual (page 99 of 92851-90001_Sections-IXB_Mar-1981.pdf) the
slots are labeled A6-J1 through A6-J5. Does this mean that:

J1 is the
J5 is the control board (A3A5)
J4 is a jumper board for +12 adjustments
J3 is unused (battery backup boards)
J2 is the inverter board (A3A2)
J1 is the pre-regulator board (A3A1)

Seems right but I know how bad things can go :-)


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