On 8/28/2021 5:14 PM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
On 8/28/21 3:01 PM, Jay Jaeger via cctalk wrote:

Back in 2005 I imaged both my Mod I and Mod II floppies using my Altair
and a program I wrote way way wayyyyyy back when for transferring floppy
images called "XMT".  But I like to image floppies two different ways,
and the Greaseweazle cannot (yet) deal with hard sectoring.

It can't---that's a surprise to me.   I used a MK III by the way--the
image is from 2007.

That is correct. It can't. I expect it is just a matter of software and firmware. You can get a .scp file out of it by telling it to read, oh, 60 revolutions, but the .scp file is pretty useless.


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