On 8/28/2021 3:06 PM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
On 8/28/21 12:27 PM, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote:
On 8/28/21 12:12 PM, Jay Jaeger via cctalk wrote:

I have successfully read a couple of Mod I disks (143KB).  But some
have not read very well.

I played with one when they came out. The software wasn't ready for
prime time.

I had hoped it had gotten better since then. Even something basic like
^C out of a transfer
locked the board up.

I believe that I used an MPI 100 tpi drive when I processed the Vector 4
images.   Came off without a hitch using a Catweasel.

Raw decoded image was about 600K.

One of the first jobs was to decode the memorite disk itself.

Here's the disk image dump, if you're curious.



Back in 2005 I imaged both my Mod I and Mod II floppies using my Altair and a program I wrote way way wayyyyyy back when for transferring floppy images called "XMT". But I like to image floppies two different ways, and the Greaseweazle cannot (yet) deal with hard sectoring.

Of course, I could also use my catweasel with these drives directly - but kind of a pain to do.


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