I have been compiling a library of such. Ioks here, if you are traveling
north swing by to review the books on hand.  The one that comes to mind is
Thinking Machunrs by Berkeley but here on the patio at my parents house I
dont know the date.  Harvard press put out some early computing books but
they may be Mark 1-specific.  Remind me and I can check when I get to the
On Sun, Jun 20, 2021, 4:44 AM Paul Birkel via cctech <>

> I know of two early computer (in the stored program sense) programming
> books.
>     1951: Preparation of Programs for an Electronic Digital Computer
> (Wilkes, Wheeler, & Gill)
>     1957: Digital Computer Programming (McCracken)
> What others were published prior to the McCracken text?
> Excluded are lecture compendia and symposia proceedings, such as:
>     1946: Moore School Lectures
>     1947: Proceedings of a Symposium on Large-Scale Digital Calculating
> Machinery
>     1951: Proceedings of a Second Symposium on Large-Scale Digital
> Calculating Machinery
>     1953: Faster Than Thought, A Symposium On Digital Computing Machines
> These were principally about designs for, and experience with, new
> hardware.
> I'm curious about texts specifically focused on the act of programming.
> Were there others prior to McCracken?
> paul

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