On Tue, 1 Jun 2021 at 22:38, Paul Koning <paulkon...@comcast.net> wrote: > > I'm not sure if you're talking about the same sort of device I had trouble > with, so FYI: the Pro power supply is a box the size of an old-fashioned > Bible, with a CEE power inlet at one end. That inlet is actually part of a > sealed metal box containing a power filter. > > Mine decided to let out its magic smoke, in quite spectacular fashion, > stinking up the workshop and leaking evil looking black tarry stuff over the > insides of the power supply. But the supply appeared to be intact in other > respects. > > I couldn't find a matching filter, so instead I found a functionaly similar > filter that's physically smaller. I then created an adapter plate with a > hole to accept the new filter, and a flange sized to match the old one. My > sheet metal skills aren't great so it doesn't look all that professional but > it's plenty good to get the job done. > > FYI, the new filter is this one: > https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/schurter-inc/5120.2006.0/1843934 > -- about half the size of the one it replaces. >
Yeah, I think we're talking about the same thing although mine looks to be significantly larger than your replacement, measuring about 120x75x45mm. From what I've read they are both sealed/soldered and potted so that would explain the black goo. Fortunately mine didn't quite get to that stage although it was suitably "fragrant" for sure. I will double check the specs but your replacement looks like it'd work for me too - very kind of them to put the schematic on the outside :) Thanks for the link! -Steve