> On Jun 1, 2021, at 4:16 PM, Steve Maddison via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org>
> wrote:
> After a few years in storage I'm finally getting to play with my PDP-11
> stuff again. Figured I'd start small so rolled out the 11/23. PSU looks
> fine, pulled all the cards and checked voltages, no problem. Shortly after
> however, some magic smoke was released from the block in the back where AC
> comes in and the power switch is mounted. The only other thing in there is
> a big old line filter. Judging by the smell, I suspect a filter capacitor
> has given up the ghost. I'd check, but the whole thing is soldered shut so
> not exactly easily serviceable. Would I be correct in thinking such filters
> aren't entirely necessary and could just be bypassed? It looks like the
> manufacturer (JMK) is still going so a new replacement might not be out of
> the question. Whether I could find one with the same mounting holes etc. is
> another question I've not looked into yet.
I'm not sure if you're talking about the same sort of device I had trouble
with, so FYI: the Pro power supply is a box the size of an old-fashioned Bible,
with a CEE power inlet at one end. That inlet is actually part of a sealed
metal box containing a power filter.
Mine decided to let out its magic smoke, in quite spectacular fashion, stinking
up the workshop and leaking evil looking black tarry stuff over the insides of
the power supply. But the supply appeared to be intact in other respects.
I couldn't find a matching filter, so instead I found a functionaly similar
filter that's physically smaller. I then created an adapter plate with a hole
to accept the new filter, and a flange sized to match the old one. My sheet
metal skills aren't great so it doesn't look all that professional but it's
plenty good to get the job done.
FYI, the new filter is this one:
https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/schurter-inc/5120.2006.0/1843934 --
about half the size of the one it replaces.