On Mon, 4 Jan 2021 at 15:35, emanuel stiebler <e...@e-bbes.com> wrote:
> I guess we have to be careful, comparing machines & CPUs.
> 68000 came out as a CPU in 1980/1981 (available on the market (?))
> You're comparing it to a ARM2 machine of 1987, where Motorola had the
> newer 68020, and 68030 by than ...

That's a fair objection. :-)

I suppose that the 68K only trickled down to the home/consumer market
after about 5 years. The original Mac was circa $2.5K and the Lisa was
around $10K -- *not* home computer prices for most people, even in the

The Sinclair QL was arguably the first affordable mass-market 68K box,
and it used the somewhat crippled 68008 and 8-bit RAM to keep costs

Before the Mac, I suppose that, as Cameron points out, the accurate
comparison was with standalone multi-user machines such as the Sage
and Alpha Micro. Desktop minicomputers, really.

These were fading from the market when I started my first job in 1988.
The only ones I personally worked on were Jarograte Sprite machines --
of which barely a trace remains on the WWW now, sadly. I'd like to
know more about Jarogate and their products -- most of what I did was
helping migrate stuff _off_ them onto either 386s running SCO Xenix,
or small PC LANs.

Liam Proven – Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
Email: lpro...@cix.co.uk – gMail/gTalk/gHangouts: lpro...@gmail.com
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