On Sun, 3 Jan 2021 at 03:53, Boris Gimbarzevsky <bo...@summitclinic.com> wrote:
>  Ran into 68000 processor for
> first time in 1986 when my father bought a 512 K
> Mac and couldn't believe performance of this CPU

It is odd. I had read of it, of course, but for me the revelation was
getting an Acorn Archimedes in 1989, with an 8MHz ARM2, and seeing it
blast past benchmarks of ~8MHz 68K machines such as the Amiga 500 or
Atari 512 ST. It was about 4x faster, I believe.

For me -- being a bit too young for the early days of the 68K family
-- it was not a performance chip, but more about its ability to have
lots of flat memory, unlike the crippled Intel chips that IBM used.

>   Weird that Rod Coleman had 68000
> instruction set associated with IBM 370 whereas
> to me it was very PDP-11 like

I've heard that before, yes,. and never the IBM comparison.

I suppose it is a matter of what you're more familiar with.

> Thanks for the link as didn't realize 68000 was
> used for home systems before I ran into Mac.

Sinclair's QL used a 68008 and was launched some weeks before the Mac.
Of course Apple's own Lisa was before the Mac, too.

Very soon after came the Amiga and ST -- the "Jackintosh", "power
without the price."

Liam Proven – Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
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