Maybe. The part number is partially missing, the drive itself has a part
number of 70-13077-02, DEC badged. That maps to a print set of
EK-13077-IP which doesn't seem to be anywhere online. Drat.
Looking at Wikipedia these seem to be in TO-18 metal cases. Maybe they
are Gallium Arsenide LEDs?
However if it was current limited then running it up to 9v should not
have killed it. Is it possible one can drive an LED hard enough to get
it not to light after awhile at 5v levels but still have it light at
lower voltage levels?
This should be simple to test with the other non-working drive: Put a 47
ohm resistor in series with the LED and see if it works. If so great,
I'll ECO the other drives. If not then I can replace this with a
standard IR LED, put in a damn resistor, and get it online again.
Still, it means the track zero LED can't be far behind assuming they did
the same trick. Hm. Need to do more research.
On 10/11/2020 11:50 PM, Doug Jackson wrote:
Could it have been a 5V LED with integral current limit?
That would explain the odd behaviour.
Kindest regards,
Doug Jackson
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On Mon, 12 Oct 2020 at 14:33, Chris Zach via cctalk
< <>> wrote:
Ok, this is weirder: I put the "bad" floppy drive on the bench and
started to take a look at it. First I checked the LED (yes, it's an
LED). With a bench voltage of 1.5 volts and a 100ma draw it lit up
nicely in the IR (detected by phone camera, so nice they can see the
light) and the photo transistor also seemed to work fine (at the sector
hole resistance went from infinite down to about 500 ohms). That's
so what is wrong?
I noticed I could crank the LED higher current-wise to 150 ma and the
voltage was still <2 volts. Interesting. Then I hooked a break-out
harness to the pdt11 to see what kind of voltage it was putting out to
the LED.
It's putting out +5v whenever the unit is on. Maybe it's current
limited? To check I hooked up the drive's plug to the breakout to see
what the LED was seeing.
+5v. And even weirder, the LED was not lit.
What the heck is going on here?
So I put the LED on the bench for a bit of a destructive test.
Disconnected the PDT11 from the breakout cable, hooked up the power
supply, turned up the voltage and the LED came on, then went *off* at
around 3v. At 5v it was dead off, no IR light as measured by the
Turn the voltage down, and it comes on again. Up and it goes off.
And unfortunately at 9v it died (CRAP!) as I turned up the current
Yes, I forgot to set the voltage limit on the power supply, my bad,
I am
boo boo the fool...
But this is weird: It looks like DEC put an LED in there with no
limiting, and a straight +5 volts. And the LED is always on at this
voltage? With no current limiting resistor? This does not make sense,
but the volt meter don't lie. I'm going to check the working drive to
see if it is limiting the voltage somehow. I'd say there was a resistor
in the LED assembly limiting the current, but if that's true my
the voltage to 9v should not have blown it up, and it should not
turn on
at low voltages then off at 5v.
Maybe the solution is to insert a resistor in series with the second
drive at around r=e/i or r=5/.1 (100ma) or 50 ohms.
Does this make any sense?